Wyatt Holland is in the Panther Spotlight! I have so enjoyed watching Wyatt grow into the incredibly respectful and young man that he is today. He is such an amazing mentor to our younger students. Good work, Wyatt! Wyatt's get it done attitude helps not only his learning, but the learning of his peers. Often, you can hear him state phrases like "You know, I didn't see it like that", showing his differing and unique perspective. Thank you, Wyatt, for voicing your ideas and deepening our learning. Wyatt has grown into such a strong and responsible young man. He is a silent hard worker and he is always striving to make sure that he is doing the right thing. The world needs more Wyatts!
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Wyatt Holland
Mrs. Mack is in the Panther Spotlight! Mrs. Mack has taken on an overhaul of her curriculum to best serve students this year. She has done a tremendous job of ensuring that students receive the best every day! She is working closely with the seniors to plan a terrific graduation as we finish the year. Mrs. Mack is a model Panther and approaches each day with a smile, we are lucky to have her.
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Betsy Mack
Kinder students already have a better grasp on music than I! #180DaysOfJoy
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Congratulations to 2024's prom royalty! King - Trevor Martinez Queen - Willow Harriet Prince - Ryan Alberding Princess - Quinn Harman Crowners - Livvy Grubb and Ellalynn Mack #180DaysofJoy
3 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
2024 Prom
Join us for the Clear Creek FFA Awards Banquet.
3 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
Students prepping for the WY State Art Symposium next week! #180DaysOfJoy
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Due to weather and road conditions, tonight's prom will be ending at 11 PM. The prom after party is cancelled. Tonight's entertainment is not able to make it. Drive safe.
3 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
Cindy Miller is in the Panther Spotlight! Cindy has a willingness to help wherever needed without complaint, which is much appreciated throughout the building. She has brought attention to detail in all her tasks, improving A-C. She has a great outlook and shares a smile and a thank you at every turn. Cindy is a great addition to the Panther team!
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Cindy Miller
Brindle Vineyard is in the Panther Spotlight! I love having Brindle in our classroom! Her commitment to excellence is evident in the high quality of her work. She embraces challenges, marching to the beat of her own drum with confidence! Brindle's skepticism and her natural ability to argue helps our class see ideas through a different lens. Because of her expansive background knowledge on any topic, she adds to the depth of our learning. Her word choice, sentence structure, and overall ability to write is exceptional. I hope someday I will be buying her novels or reading her published works! Brindle is such a great kid. All she wants to do is succeed, and all she does is succeed at succeeding. There is no quit in her. Students like Brindle drive other students to be great as well, and you can’t ask for more than that from anyone her age!
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Brindle Vineyard
Ella Stoll is in the Panther Spotlight! Ella is an excellent contributor when creating something new whether its an idea, writing, acting, performing, or brainstorming. Trial and error are a part of creating, and Ella is comfortable, confident, and careful to thoughtfully dismiss her own ideas when they prove to not meet the standard or intent and keep moving forward with new and better ideas. Ella has a knack for doing what needs to be done. Now she may get it done while giving you some spunky attitude, but it’s all just part of her charm! She’s so fun to have in class, and I look forward to teaching kids like Ella every year! Ella walks to the beat of her own drum and makes it look amazing every time!! She is very intelligent, caring, and ambitious. Ella takes on any task and runs with it to become successful. Keep up the good work, Ella!! Miss Ella is a ray of sunshine. She is so full of life and 100% herself all of the time. I love seeing her smiling face in the hallway. Her drive to succeed is unmatched, she is just a rockstar!
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Ella Stoll
The 6th graders worked extremely hard to create entertaining, original monomyths inspired by Joseph Campbell’s story structure of the hero’s journey. Great work 6th graders! #180DaysOfJoy
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
6th Graders
Another great community lunch at A-C. We had 17 members of the community join us today - look to attend for our last one of the year on May 1st. #180DaysOfJoy
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Community Lunch
Our first grade students are working with a partner to identify elements of a narrative to fill out their story map. Fantastic work! #180DaysofJoy
3 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
1st Grade
A-C track is off to a great season! We are glad to have community members stepping in to aid our Panthers in being their best! #180DaysOfJoy
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Joyful today to have great students like Dellana who step up and help ensure that that the next Panthers are helping us take big steps for our students! Thanks for helping with the ag interviews. #180DaysOfJoy
4 months ago, Chase Christensen
Has an SCSD#3 Panther staff member stood out in your eyes this year - help them be recognized by the board for their efforts! Nominations are now open for SCSD#3 Employee of the Year. Thank you for completing the form so we can recognize our best employees. https://forms.gle/7GWN1xHYpJqX32n77
4 months ago, Chase Christensen
Mr. Georgeson is in the Panther Spotlight! Mr. Georgeson is a champion of all of our students. He works to prepare teachers to meet the needs of every student, every day. Seeing a need, he creating a consumer math course this spring for his students and is ensuring that they are better prepared for their next step. Mr. G is great to have as part of a team - as he is consistently focused on what is best for students.
4 months ago, Chase Christensen
Adam Georgeson
Khloe Odegard is in the Panther Spotlight! Khloe’s social character and ever-present smile make our classroom energized. She works well with all students and jumps into the task at full force! PE is Khloe’s thing, so as the PE teacher I get to see the best of Khloe every day! She’s a very hard worker who wants to get better at everything we do, even if it’s something she’s never tried before. I always appreciate having her in any class! Khloe adds to each class she is in by supporting her classmates and having a willingness to be a part of any activity. We are proud she is a Panther!
4 months ago, Chase Christensen
Khloe Odegard
Straus Hepp is in the Panther Spotlight! Straus is a leader among his classmates who uses his intelligence, talent, and intense focus to be successful, especially with complex challenges. Straus is a very hard-working individual and brings great insight into the classroom. He is kind-hearted, helpful, and very intelligent. He brings a different perspective to every discussion and enriches them. He can be goofy when he wants but serious and focused when needed. Keep up the good work, Straus!!! Straus is one of a kind. Those who know him best know that he has a very kind and caring heart. He loves to help younger kids and he is very good at it. Also, at the ripe old age of 8, he designed a type of drain to help with flooding in science class. Upon inspection, Straus had unknowingly created a French Drain. I can't wait to see this tiny engineer continue to grow.
4 months ago, Chase Christensen
Straus Hepp
Our elementary students had a wonderful afternoon today - the older students put on a play they also wrote and directed, and we had a great family engagement event - March Madness - Battle of the Books #180DaysOfJoy
4 months ago, Chase Christensen
Dr. Chase