Ileigh Patterson is in the Panther Spotlight! Ileigh is self driven and willing to advocate for her learning. She has a heart of gold and cares deeply about others. She sets a great example for her peers and is a role model for the little ones that she visits in the elementary wing! When she wants to be, Leigh-Leigh is one of the most powerful kids in this school. Not only strength and conditioning-wise but leadership and presence-wise. There are so many younger kids that look up to her and she is such a great role model to them. It’s awesome to see! Miss Ileigh is such a kind hearted, young lady. I love having her come into the kindergarten room, she has formed such a special relationship with the kinders and they love seeing her. She has so much drive and passion. I cannot wait to see everything she continues to accomplish. Ileigh is so sweet and kind with the littles. They often tell me "I love that she always comes down to hug us." Their faces light up when they see her. I have so enjoyed getting to know Ileigh this year. She is a valuable asset to the Panther community. Ileigh is very kind and helpful whenever she is needed. She has a wonderful ability to connect with the younger students and they love to see her come into the classroom. Keep up the good work, Ileigh!! Ileigh's positivity and continual do better attitude makes her a great role model. Her sweet spirit is picked up on by younger students, and they gravitate towards her.
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Ileigh Patterson
Kyah Carvalho is in the Panther Spotlight! Kyah is talented, intelligent, and can tell a story as well as anyone. Kyah is full of knowledge and a hard little worker! Her passion for dragons and reading is unmatched. She is a great addition to the 3rd-grade group and fits right into all of their shenanigans! Kyah has an enormous passion for the books she reads and is very knowledgeable when it comes to her books. She has a bubbly, outgoing personality. I enjoy seeing her smiling face in the hall and hearing her creative stories. Kyah is a great addition to the classroom and school. She is very intelligent and insightful during class discussions. She adds a new perspective to our learning environment. Keep up the good work, Kyah!! Kyah has such a bright and bubbly personality. She is not afraid to talk to anyone or afraid to lend a hand. I am so glad that she's here. I look forward to getting to know her more.
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Kyah Carvalho
James Chapman is in the Panther Spotlight! James is creative and smart and enjoys helping his classmates share in a laugh. James has a great sense of humor and keeps you on your toes! We love his matter of fact attitude and mischievous laugh! James has a wonderfully curious mind and loves learning. James is an intelligent and witty young man. He loves to make his classmates laugh and will often crack a joke with his peers and teachers. He makes me laugh every day! I am so glad he is a Panther!
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
James Chapman
Winning entries from WY State Art are back on the wall, but for one by Ryan Alberding that was selected by First Lady Gordon to hang in the governor's residence for the year. #180DaysOfJoy
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Tylynn Smith is in the Panther Spotlight! Tylynn's conscientiousness to her grades and her learning make her successful. When working with a group, she proves to be a leader time and again. Her upbeat and positive personality energizes our day to day learning. Along with her positive attitude, Tylynn has a knack for bringing the emotions of the reading to life, and she can fully empathize with the characters in the novel. Tylynn has been an absolute machine in strength and conditioning this year. No matter the workout, or how she is feeling that day, she always come in and gets right to work. Her work level is something to be proud of as well! She is always making sure to find the benefits of physical activity. Tylynn is a hard worker in class and outside of class. She has also become a good leader for the school. Tylynn has grown so much in her years here at AC. I can always count on her can do attitude when she comes to help in the elementary. Tylynn is a pleasure to have at school. She makes each day humorous while still working hard on her academics and athletics, becoming the best she can be!
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Tylynn Smith
Alex Schneck is in the Panther Spotlight! With Alex being an independent student who needs to do things his way, he thrives at Clearmont Elementary with this frame of mind. Alex has a knack for engaging toddlers and babies, and he loves to entertain when babysitting! Alex is a very punny student who loves to make everyone laugh. He looks for joy in everything he does, even if it is difficult. He has grown this year and I look forward to seeing where his growth will take him! Alex is an easygoing kid who loves to make people laugh! He is very creative and always greets you with a smile in the hall!
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Alex Schneck
Kason Monroe is in the Panther Spotlight! Kason always has an experience or story about the topics and content we are covering in class. His ability to relate ideas to his real life is excellent. Being an avid hunter and fisherman, his stories engage us all. Thank you for showing up day after day to learn! Kason has become more focused on his work and is striving towards his goal. Kason is so great with the elementary students. They look forward to him coming to the elementary wing. He always meets me with a smile and will strike up a conversation. Go Kason! Kason is a respectful young man who sees the big picture and asks the hard questions. He is very competitive, yet has a knack for a well-placed joke!
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Kason Monroe
A-C Elementary students were able to visit the UW Extension & Research Greenhouse today. Much was learned and the students planted seedlings that we will be able to utilize in the near future in our area! #180DaysOfJoy
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Congratulations Panthers for making the Board of Trustees 3.5 Honor Roll and the 3.0 Honor Roll for the 3rd Quarter!!!
3 months ago, Jolene Poppenga
A-C Panthers - Please give a warm welcome to Ms. Kiley McConell. Kiley is joining us as our 7-12 science teacher. She is currently completing student teaching in Laramie, having recently graduated from UW. Kiley is a former FFA state officer, hailing from Lander. She is excited to join our community and begin her teaching career!
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Kiley McConnell
A-C Panthers - Please give a warm welcome to Ms. Kirsten Johnson. Kirsten is joining us as our K-12 music teacher. She is currently completing student teaching in Spearfish, SD, having recently graduated from BHSU. Kirsten knows small schools - she was in a graduating class of 9 at Wibaux High School in NE Montana. Kirsten is excited to join our team!
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Kirsten Johnson
A-C Panthers - Please give a warm welcome to Ms. Abigail Mueller. Abby is joining us as our new agriculture teacher. She is currently teaching in Hayti, SD where she chartered an FFA program. Abigail is a former FFA state officer, from Buffalo. She is excited to join our community and continue her teaching career!
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Abigail Mueller
New Opportunity!
3 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
Transportation Director
Huge shout out to Natalie Stoll who was voted our #SourcesOfStrength 7-12 student of the month for the month of March! Here is what our teacher who nominated Natalie had to say about her! Natalie has shown so much improvement over this entire semester. Last month I saw her really step up into a leadership role and do what was supposed to be done when all others were choosing not to. Not only was she showing integrity by doing this, but she has made more than enough effort to show all sources of strength slices at all times during the day. Her effort and work ethic in strength and conditioning is unmatched and she truly finds the benefit in my class. Natalie should be considered for student of the month because she maintains a healthy balance between and among the 8 sources of strength. Although her grades don't always reflect straight A's, she works, learns, thrives, and contributes a great deal to our music performances and to our school.
3 months ago, Cameron Spade
Congratulations are in order for Mr. Garrett Bond, who was voted our #SourcesOfStrength K-6 student of the month for the month of March! Here is what Garrett's nominating teachers had to say about him: Garret should be considered student of the month for his leadership role and efforts with the elementary play he directed and helped write for our K-6 parent day. Garrett demonstrated leadership with the cast of the play and provided keen insight into how the various scenes could be improved. His feedback was well received since it was accurate, sincere, and helped to foster positivity and growth with the entire cast. Each day, Garrett leads by example in class. He is the first to answer and holds other students to those same expectations of sharing their knowledge. Along with discussion, he seeks to write and improve his writing on a daily basis. By asking frequent questions, he shows his improvement in his learning. Not only does he strive for excellence in his work, he always has a smile on his face. His positivity helps our classroom feel more energized, and his positivity with his friends in the hallway improves our school culture!
3 months ago, Cameron Spade
Last week, 20 members of the Clear Creek FFA attended and competed at the 2024 Wyoming FFA State Convention in Cheyenne. We had members compete in Ag mechanics, Farm business management, Poultry evaluation, Agronomy, Marketing plan, Ag sales, Livestock evaluation, Horse evaluation, Vet science, and Greenhand quizbowl. Here are some of the results! Ag Mech: 24th overall * 11th in the ENR scenario * 10th in welding structures * 13th on the written test * Will Betz was 16th overall out of 186 contestants! Farm Business Management * Kamy and Dellana Michelena were both in the top 25 on the FBM test * Kamy was 7th overall and Dellana was 15th overall Poultry evaluation * Tessa Anderson was 14th overall out of 123 contestants! Agronomy: 8th high team * 7th in grain grading and insect ID * 6th in plant and seed ID * 9th in soil grading *10th on the written test Marketing Plan: 8th high team We also were recognized as a 3 Star Gold Chapter and had 3 seniors receive their State FFA Degree; Will Betz, Kamy Michelena and Willow Harriet.
3 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
Congratulations to Mr. Rowe and Mr. Spade who are our staff March Madness bracket winners! Mr. Rowe correctly chose the men's bracket champion in UConn and received 1210 points total. Mr. Spade correctly chose the women's bracket champion in South Carolina and received 1440 points total. Enjoy the trophies and bragging rights for the next year, gentlemen!
3 months ago, Cameron Spade
SCSD#3 is now accepting letters of interest in fulfilling/completing a Board of Trustee term.
3 months ago, Jolene Poppenga
SCSD#3 is now accepting letters of interest in fulfilling/completing a Board of Trustee term.
SCSD#3 board members signed diplomas last night - a sure sign of another successful year! #180DaysOfJoy
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
SCSD#3 Board
Braxtyn Camino is in the Panther Spotlight! Braxtyn has a relentless can-do attitude with the intelligence and talent to get it done. He's dependable and trustworthy to reach success independently and as a team member. Braxtyn is a very generous and caring individual as a classmate and panther. He is very inquisitive, eager to learn, and very bright in everything academically. He adds a very great dynamic to any group he is working with. Keep up the good work, Brax!!! Brax is so fun to have in class. He has a competitive edge that makes him try as hard as he can in every single one of our units. Not only does he always try to the best of his ability, but he always strives to get better at what we are doing! I appreciate him as a student and as a young man. Braxtyn is a wonderful student to have in class. He is eager to learn and work hard to be as successful as possible in all subjects. He is a leader and encourages each peer to do their best. Even though we see a serious side to him when learning, a comedian is hidden and comes out at the most perfect times!
3 months ago, Chase Christensen
Braxtyn Camino