
The educational team in at Sheridan County School District #3 is dedicated to helping our students develop the skills they need to thrive in the 21st century. Our students have access to the Internet at school because we believe it offers vast, diverse, and unique resources for them and our teaching staff. Our goal in providing this service is to promote educational excellence in SCSD #3 by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication. 

High-Tech Tools

Students and teachers have access to the following while on campus:

  • Chromebooks, laptops, and desktops in all classrooms

  • SmartBoards

  • Educational Apps

  • Electronic mail 

  • Online information and news 

  • Public domain and shareware 

  • Online discussion groups on a plethora of topics  

  • Online access to many university catalogs 

Chromebook Policy

Internet Acceptable Use Policy

Our staff closely monitors student use of school devices and the Internet. Students who abuse their acceptable use rights will be subject to discipline. Parents, please discuss these rules with your child:

  • Be polite. Do not send abusive messages to others.

  • Use appropriate language. Do not swear or use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language.

  • The user should not reveal his or her personal address or phone number or those of students or colleagues.

  • We strictly forbid all Illegal activities. 

  • We do not guarantee that electronic mail (email) will be private. Our IT department has access to all mail. We may report messages relating to or in support of illegal activities to authorities. 

  • Do not use the network in such a way that disrupts use of the network by other users. 

You can view a complete version of SCSD #3’s Acceptable Use Policy in our student handbook, which you will find under the Student and Parent quick links on the Home page.