Owen Grubb is in the Panther Spotlight! I love Owens' energy and excitement for life. He is a great kid! Owen's talents combined with a "can do" attitude allows him to contribute abundantly to his classmates and to the entire school. Owen is a leader in the classroom. He is always willing to put in the hard work, whether it is in school or outside of school. When you need a hand, he is the first to jump in and offer to help without expecting anything in return. His mischievous grin and giggle bring joy to our hallways! Owen is very determined to succeed at everything he does. He is very caring about others and has a heart of gold!! Owen adds to every class discussion with insight and expertise. Keep up the good work, Owen!!
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Owen Grubb
Thanks BHSU for putting on a valuable teacher fair today. We met some great teacher candidates! #180DaysOfJoy
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
The YMCA in Sheridan is offering Spring Soccer for K-8th Grade students. See flyer for information.
5 months ago, Jolene Poppenga
The Sheridan YMCA is offering Spring Soccer for K-8th students.  See attached flyer.
Panthers worked hard today to keep up their great learning during a virtual learning day! Proud that our team can work with students to effect learning under any circumstance! #180DaysOfJoy
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Virtual Learning Day
Panthers, Sheridan County School District #3 will have a virtual education day on February 27, 2024, due to winter weather conditions. I have attached the bell schedule for the day. 7-12 students will follow the bell schedule, meeting with all teachers before 1:00. Teachers will be using the class periods for instruction, as the time from 1:00-4:00 is set aside for completion of class work, meeting with teachers, etc. K-6 students will begin the day with their ELA teacher, and the schedule will progress from there. Please reach out via the A-C Panther app with any questions or concerns. Stay safe and warm!
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
TVE Bell Schedule
3rd and 4th graders had an opportunity today at the Wyo Theater to learn via the arts. It was great fun! #180DaysOfJoy
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Wyo Theater
FFA speech competition for tonight has been moved to 5 pm to avoid the inclement weather forecasted later in the evening.
5 months ago, Jennifer Betz
Thankful for a great Panther team to get all the basketball girls and boys home from Laramie Saturday night/Sunday morning. When the bus decided it didn't want to make the last hour's drive home, our dedicated group got to work to figure out how to safely get all the kids and adults home. Big thanks to all who helped in getting students and coaches home safely in one way or another: Dan Bircher, Coach Kidneigh, Josh Johnson, Chris Odegard, David and Amanda Andreen. #180DaysofJoy
5 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
Proud of our Panthers - on to Saturday!
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Win 1
Game 2 at regionals - Panthers lead at half, great finish to the 2nd quarter. #180DaysOfJoy
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Late night for our legislators, making important decisions, this is one debating HB0166. #180NightsOfJoy
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Our Panthers are underway at regionals! #180DaysOfJoy
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Elisete Prusak is in the Panther Spotlight! Elisete is a hard-working and determined young lady. I love her spunk! Elisete has grown so much this year. In addition to being very intelligent, I can count on her to kindly help others, and to make sure expectations are kept when I am away. I so appreciate all the hard work Elisete puts in. Her drive and determination are just a few of her many qualities that I love about her Elisete is an intelligent, talented, and articulate student who embraces leadership roles while having high expectations for herself and her classmates. Elisete is helpful and willing to participate in discussions and lessons. She knows what needs to be done and is willing to do it or help others get it done. I enjoy her in class! Good job Elisete!
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Elisete Prusak
Lilly Brown is in the Panther Spotlight! I love the way Lilly marches to the beat of her own drum! Lilly strives for excellence in every assignment, and seldom forgets to complete her homework! Her creative and engaging voice shines through her writing. Not only does she excel in school, she also is an avid video gamer. Lily is fun and funny! She works hard in class and helps others too. She is a bright spot every day in our school. Good job Lily!
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Lilly Brown
Ryan Alberding is in the Panther Spotlight! Ryan is such a cool cat with a kind soul!! He is the quiet type that catches you off guard when you least expect it. His sense of humor is contagious and he is a great friend to all of those around him. Ryan adds to every class he is in with valuable insight. Keep up the good work, Ryan!!!! This year, Ryan has come into his own as a leader in his class. He is an exemplar big brother to his siblings. His drive to improve and use feedback to increase his performance, whether it's in the classroom or in the gym, has led to some major gains! Ryan has a creative flair that makes our classroom see things in a different light. He and his peers seem like they are always sharing some secret joke, and he is at the forefront laughing and loving life. Also, the way he treats his younger sisters shows his true character. Not a day goes by that I don't see him engage positively with them in the hallways.
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Ryan Alberding
Josh Johnson is in the Panther Spotlight! Mr. Johnson is our transportation director. In addition to lining out our bus routes, assigning drivers, ensuring vehicles are safe and ready, and driving, he jumps in to help out wherever needed. Josh has worked hard this year to move the district to a more reliable fuel source. Josh always shares a smile and is a great model Panther.
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Thank you to our Clear Creek FFA for a great staff appreciation breakfast! #180DaysOfJoy
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Making it Happen
FFA Volunteers
Join a fantastic team! Apply to teach 7-12 Science at Sheridan County School District #3.
5 months ago, Jolene Poppenga
Join a fantastic team! Apply to teach 7-12 Science at Sheridan County School District #3.
Our future (and some current) ag teachers, continuing to celebrate FFA Week!
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Mr. B is in Cheyenne today, advocating for our school and students! #180DaysOfJoy
5 months ago, Chase Christensen