Hank George is in the Panther Spotlight! Hank has a true passion for learning. He works to improve his knowledge base and is passionate about showing what he knows to the world, especially when it comes to freshwater marine biology! I love how Hank is always willing to answer questions and participate in class discussions. I appreciate his enthusiasm and the positive attitude he has every day! Hank always brings excitement into the classroom by using his imaginative mind and quick wits. He always has a smiling face and is ready to go to learn! Hank’s out of the box thinking livens our classroom discussions. He never shirks advocating for himself by using his resources to be successful! Plus, we love all his knowledge on fish and fishing! Hank is such an inquisitive young man. Always wants to learn more and more every day.
10 months ago, Chase Christensen
Hank George
Grayce Bassett is in the Panther Spotlight! Grayce is a wonderful helper to her peers, will step in when needed! Grayce is a hard-worker and always willing to do the hard work to get amazing results. When she is struggling she is always willing to ask questions and figure out how to be successful. Way to go, Grayce!!! Grayce “Grumpy Gills” Bassett is a teachers dream. Always does what she needs to in a timely fashion.
10 months ago, Chase Christensen
Grayce Bassett
Join us for our next Community Lunch on Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at 11:00 AM. The students love to visit with the community members who attend.
10 months ago, Jolene Poppenga
Join us for the October Community Lunch.  The students love visiting with the community members.
Great partnerships help to drive education. We are proud to host the board of the Northern Wyoming Community College District this evening. NWCCD and Sheridan College provide our students access to college coursework and help to broaden the course catalog for our high school students. Thank you for our partnership! #180DaysOfJoy
10 months ago, Chase Christensen
Bringing our best self to the learning process requires great coping strategies and time to reset - ending the day with a little yoga helps to provide both. #180DaysOfJoy
10 months ago, Chase Christensen
Yoga Flex
Tinley Cooper is in the Panther Spotlight! Tinley is always the first person to offer her answer and confidently states her opinion. Also, she loves to read out loud and never shirks from volunteering. Tinley has grown so much over the past year! Her willingness to work hard is an example to all of her classmates. Also, I've never seen her without a smile! I really enjoy Tinley in class this year. Just like her younger sister, she really balances sarcasm and respect well and never ceases to put forth 100% effort in class.
11 months ago, Chase Christensen
Tinley Cooper
Matthew Moses is in the Panther Spotlight! It doesn’t matter if we took an assessment or had a lively discussion; Matthew always leaves class with a thank you. Every day I hear a “thank you and have a good day” from Matthew. Thank you for your respectful and grateful comments! Matthew does a good job advocating for himself. Matthew is a hard worker. In the shop, he takes his time in building high quality projects. Matthew has the drive and the grit to succeed in what he puts his mind to. Matthew has really impressed me this year with his work ethic in PE and Strength and Conditioning. He is turning into a leader and his grit shows.
11 months ago, Chase Christensen
Matthew Moses
Mrs. Nimick is in the Panther Spotlight this week. She has stepped up in her role as a facilitator of the elementary HUB, and the result will be contributing to our student's success. Mrs. Nimick, in her second year in the classroom, is demonstrating great confidence and efficacy. Working hard everyday so that our kindergartners get the right start at A-C, she is making work for the rest of us that much easier!
11 months ago, Chase Christensen
Isolina Nimick
It is great to have a strong team working to better our district. Thank you for your leadership and commitment to our district. #180DaysOfJoy
11 months ago, Chase Christensen
SCSD#3 Board
Picture Day! #180DaysOfJoy
11 months ago, Chase Christensen
Picture Day
Picture Day
Picture Day
Picture Day
Picture Day
Picture Day
Picture Day
End of a hard days work. #180DaysOfJoy
11 months ago, Chase Christensen
Schools Out
Having quality substitutes has a great impact on the implementation of our instructional framework. Students completing a ‘Do Now’ when the bell rings in every class is making a difference. #180DaysOfJoy
11 months ago, Chase Christensen
Do Now with a sub
Callie Odegard is in the Panther Spotlight this week! Callie is a model student in PE. Always gives 110% in every unit and always wants to learn how to improve her skills. Callie is inquisitive, competitive, and a leader. She is a wonderful human being! Callie strives for excellence in everything she tackles. Her willingness to include all and be a partner to anyone helps everyone learn! Callie has amazing drive and grit in all she does. She sets goals for herself and consistently works to achieve them. Callie is very considerate of others and helps out whenever she is needed.
11 months ago, Chase Christensen
Callie Odegard
Caden Manor is in the Panther Spotlight this week! Caden has a natural skill to problem solve. Caden has stepped up in strength and conditioning this year and it is very apparent he wants to improve his physical fitness. No quit in this kid. Caden’s witty personality lightens the mood of our classroom. We love celebrating your many birthdays, Caden! Caden had really taken a different role in classes this year; he’s very active in discussions and is working great with his classmates. Great sense of humor! Caden is very quick witted, smart, and funny. He is a joy to be around.
11 months ago, Chase Christensen
Caden Manor
Carol Perry is in the Panther Spotlight this week! Mrs. Perry is taking a lead role in helping the district prepare for an upcoming accreditation visit. Her work to ensure that we are not only ready but that each aspect of accreditation has a meaningful impact on the future of the district is commendable. We appreciate the depth of knowledge that Mrs. Perry brings around district processes.
11 months ago, Chase Christensen
Carol Perry
Over the past year our staff have put together a great school improvement plan, strategic plan, and instructional framework. We have learned so much about quality instruction and true intervention. Our accountability report shows the results of this work. And, this is only the beginning. #180DaysOfJoy
11 months ago, Chase Christensen
WAEA Report
Don't be furrrgetful! Tuesday, September 12th is picture day. That's next week!
11 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
Picture Day
Notice of Regular Board Meeting Agenda • September 13, 2023 https://www.sheridan3.com/article/1232439
11 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
Please join us for the Board Work Session next week on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, for the Transportation Busing Practices discussion. The Board of Trustees would value your input and encourage your attendance.
11 months ago, Jolene Poppenga
Transportation Busing Practices
Students are falling in love with reading and books! #180DaysOfJoy Guest post from Mrs. Camino
11 months ago, Chase Christensen
Students Reading