Khloe Odegard is in the Panther Spotlight! Khloe’s social character and ever-present smile make our classroom energized. She works well with all students and jumps into the task at full force! PE is Khloe’s thing, so as the PE teacher I get to see the best of Khloe every day! She’s a very hard worker who wants to get better at everything we do, even if it’s something she’s never tried before. I always appreciate having her in any class! Khloe adds to each class she is in by supporting her classmates and having a willingness to be a part of any activity. We are proud she is a Panther!
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Khloe Odegard
Straus Hepp is in the Panther Spotlight! Straus is a leader among his classmates who uses his intelligence, talent, and intense focus to be successful, especially with complex challenges. Straus is a very hard-working individual and brings great insight into the classroom. He is kind-hearted, helpful, and very intelligent. He brings a different perspective to every discussion and enriches them. He can be goofy when he wants but serious and focused when needed. Keep up the good work, Straus!!! Straus is one of a kind. Those who know him best know that he has a very kind and caring heart. He loves to help younger kids and he is very good at it. Also, at the ripe old age of 8, he designed a type of drain to help with flooding in science class. Upon inspection, Straus had unknowingly created a French Drain. I can't wait to see this tiny engineer continue to grow.
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Straus Hepp
Our elementary students had a wonderful afternoon today - the older students put on a play they also wrote and directed, and we had a great family engagement event - March Madness - Battle of the Books #180DaysOfJoy
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Dr. Chase
REMINDER: FFA Bingo Night is TONIGHT at 6:30!
5 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
Mrs. Buchanan is in the Panther Spotlight! Mrs. Buchanan has stepped in this year and quickly become an integral member of the Panther community! She teaches 2nd-grade ELA and 6th-grade math. Additionally, she provides great support for our students through interventions to ensure that all students are reading well. She provides a smile in every interaction and sets a great example for our students!
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Mandi Buchanan
Abbie Odegard and Quinn Harman were inducted into Sheridan College’s Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society! Outstanding job, ladies! #180DaysofJoy
5 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
Raimee Jordan is in the Panther Spotlight! Raimee is very sweet and kind to all of those around her. She marches to her own beat which shows her strong character. Keep up the good work, Raimee!! Raimee has been such a great addition to our Panther family this year! She consistently impresses me in class with her work ethic and her high-level performances. We are lucky that a kid like Raimee decided to join us out here! Raimee is always looking out for others. She is the first to help her fellow students and her teachers. Raimee has been a fantastic addition to the 6th-grade class! She is intelligent, friendly, and a no-nonsense go-getter. She has a kind heart and cares for her friends. Raimee has grown a lot this year and I am excited to see her continue each year! Raimee is a student who is very supportive of her friends and helpful to others in group activities. She is creative and has great ideas! I enjoy hearing her ideas. Good job Raimee! Raimee is a talented, kind, and intelligent young lady who gives her best effort when learning. Raimee, with a smile on her face, diligently works hard every day. She always seeks feedback, which makes her successful! When she is absent, our class misses out on her energy and pizzazz.
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Raimee Jordan
Katelyn Monroe is in the Panther Spotlight! Katelyn is very kind and helpful when needed. She tries her hardest in everything she does. Keep up the good work, Katelyn!! Katelyn knows how to put in the effort to overcome challenges while always being respectful and kind to others. Katelyn has a quick laugh and often finds the funny in our day to day lessons. She always has a story about her job, her niece, or her family, which shows she does embrace and love life! Her quiet persistence in her learning is commendable!
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
Katelyn Monroe
Join us for Bingo Night!
5 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
FFA Bingo
During Mr. Christensen's visit to Washington, D.C., last week, he and a group of 12 principals and superintendents were interviewed by NPR about education after the pandemic four years ago. Click the link to listen.
5 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
Join a fantastic team! Apply to teach 7-12 Vocational Agriculture /FFA Advisor at Sheridan County School District #3.
5 months ago, Jolene Poppenga
Join a fantastic team! Apply to teach 7-12 Vocational Agriculture /FFA Advisor at Sheridan County School District #3.
We were visited today by the state department of education to check on our progress with literacy instruction - all is well, our teachers continue to impress when anyone from out of district visits! #180DaysOfJoy
5 months ago, Chase Christensen
3rd and 4th
Starting a new project in art, and enjoying a fabulous day! #180DaysOfJoy
6 months ago, Chase Christensen
The Boys and Girls Club of Central Wyoming has hosted the Code of the West American Dream Essay fashioned from James P. Owen’s Cowboy Ethics novel. The 9th/10th grade class worked hard developing and sharing their stories through creative writing form. Natalie Stoll, with her essay about her grandmother, received first place! Writing about her family dynamics, Chloe Mauck received 2nd place. Skye Malli received 3rd place for expressing her thoughts on her family history.
6 months ago, Chase Christensen
Students learning a new art form during Flex today - we are proud to have talented individuals to be a part of the education at A-C! #180DaysOfJoy
6 months ago, Chase Christensen
Rope Art
6 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
Got to hang out with this bunch at the music festival! Great job by all! #180DaysofJoy Guest post by Amanda Andreen
6 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
JH Band
JH Band
It's amazing to see the number of track kids this year at AC! Go Panthers! #180DaysofJoy
6 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
Kindergarten Registration information - register as soon as possible to aid the district in planning for next year's newest Panthers!
6 months ago, Chase Christensen
SCSD#3 will be offering a kinder-boost program again next year for students who will be in kindergarten the following year - follow the directions on the flyer to register your child for this excellent program!
6 months ago, Chase Christensen
Kinder Boost