Mike Buss is in the Panther Spotlight! Mr. Buss took over this week as out maintenance supervisor and is working hard to take that position in stride. He has great plans for ensuring that A-C is a safe, clean, secure facility for our students and community. Mike also drives a bus route for us, wanting to contribute to our students every way possible. He always has a smile and a joke ready, keeping all on their toes. Mr. Buss is leading us in the Panther Way!
8 months ago, Chase Christensen
Mike Buss
Dallas Hepp is in the Panther Spotlight! Dallas contributes to class and loves to help others. She is very enthusiastic about what we are doing. Good job Dallas! Dallas is such a hard worker and she always tries her very best! Dallas is an intelligent, talented and serious 2nd grade student who often shares a smile and balances her seriousness with a healthy sense of humor. Dallas is an amazing mix of spunky, spicy, smart, and hardworking. Her desire and drive to learn is so strong and will take her so far in life. Her drive is one of my favorite qualities that I see in her. Way to go Dallas Pearl!
8 months ago, Chase Christensen
Dallas Hepp
Addy Miller is in the Panther Spotlight! Addy is always smiling and I enjoy the positive energy she brings to class each day! Addy loves to learn and work with her peers. She contributes to discussion and others follow her lead. She is building her leadership skills in Student Council this year as the 8th grade representative. Good job Addy! Addy makes me laugh every time I am with her. She has such a bright and shiny personality that brings a little sunshine and laughter anywhere she is. Addy is also very, very smart. I love when she weighs in (which is often) on what we are discussing. Addy is so much stronger than she realizes. During the entire semester in Junior High Strength and Conditioning, her numbers were matching up with or even beating some of the high school numbers. She also has this rare quality of ALWAYS being happy and joyful in class, which is as impressive as it is maddening 😀 Keep it up, Addy B!
8 months ago, Chase Christensen
Addy Miller
Garrett Bond is in the Panther Spotlight! Garrett is fun to have in class! He contributes and is willing to work and/or help others. Good job Garrett! Garrett has a wonderful sense of humor and always brings a smile to my face. Garrett is as smart and talented as they make 'em, and he treats others with respect and kindness. Garrett is a very considerate and hard working student. He is very helpful whenever needed and is a joy to work with. Keep up the good work, Garrett!!! Garrett has proven himself to be a leader in the elementary. Hard work and initiative are traits he's continuing to grow! Garth is such a fun kid to have in class. He is always participating, working hard, getting classmates to work hard, and taking my sarcastic comments very well. The best part about him is he deals the sarcasm almost as well as he takes it. Garrett is an amazing young man. He is such a great big brother to Bailey. He would always buy things for his sister during school store. Garrett is someone you can rely on and trust. He has done such an amazing job of coaching other students on making better choices. I am so glad he is here!
8 months ago, Chase Christensen
Garrett Bond
Check out last night's board video presentation! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxSinNAYw9k&t=11s
8 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
A big congratulations to Mrs. Poppenga and Mrs. Harman who were our December Health n' Fitness challenge winners! ACHS is proud of you, ladies, keep up the good work!
8 months ago, Cameron Spade
Smiles and learning - tough not to be having a great day when the energy in classrooms is like this! #180DaysOfJoy
8 months ago, Chase Christensen
Our Panther team, back at work in the new year! Time back with students this week has routines rolling and all of us excited for the semester to come. #180DaysOfJoy
8 months ago, Chase Christensen
Joyful for Mr. Broersma today as he sorted the tech challenges of a new semester, led us in our next step communication platform, and generally led in the Panther Way! #180DaysOfJoy
8 months ago, Chase Christensen
Mr. B
Rooms Update: There was a technical difficulty with the app earlier today. However, you should be getting an email soon! Make sure you UPDATE the A-C Panthers app and turn on notifications for it to work!
8 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the Sheridan County School District #3 app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. This is an excellent way to communicate with your child's teacher and see what is going on in class! Look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app TOMORROW! Download for Android https://bit.ly/3Pt0GOY Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3XARGcF
8 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
Congratulations to Mr. Christensen and his team "La Pulga" in winning this years staff Fantasy Football Championship! As shown, La Pulga defeated "Git-R-Done" in the championship with a score of 171.78 to 114.12.
8 months ago, Cameron Spade
Notice of December Board Meeting Agenda Wednesday, January 10, 2024 https://www.sheridan3.com/article/1394917
8 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
Join the Panther Pride!
8 months ago, Chase Christensen
Brenda Michelena is in the Panther Spotlight! Brenda does a terrific job of keeping the office and staff running in the right direction. She maintains a positive attitude and provides great insight to the operations side of the district. Along with the remainder of the office staff - she is what holds the district together!
9 months ago, Chase Christensen
Brenda Michelena
Dellana Michelena is in the Panther Spotlight! Dellana is a hard worker and tries to push herself to achieve her goals. Dellana is a strong leader and works hard to get our Student Council and SADD chapter activities done. She is generous with her time and skills. She won the Hidden Hero Award at WASC because she steps up to help and do things without being asked. I enjoy working with her! Good job Dellana! Dellana is an intelligent, articulate, and talented young lady who maintains high expectations for herself and strives for excellence while also investing in the effort needed to achieve excellence. Dellana is a student who is not afraid to do hard things and do them well. This serves her well in her athletic and academic efforts. Dellana is a hard worker. She takes pride in her work and is always willing to step up to the plate. She is a natural born leader and isn't afraid to take on new, unfamiliar challenges. Dellana is an all-star in all categories, student, student athlete, leader, and young woman. She truly embodies panther pride in this school and should be very proud of who she has become.
9 months ago, Chase Christensen
Dellana Michelena
Eleanore Prusak is in the Panther Spotlight! Eleanor is a strong advocate for herself and others while remaining calm and level headed in difficult situations. Eleanore is so sweet and happy. Her tiny smiles brighten my day! Eleanore has such a sparkly personality. She always meets me with a bright, kind smile. Eleanore has great work ethic and the drive to succeed. She should be so proud in how much she has grown thus far this year. Keep it up Eleanore! Eleanor has a lovely personality that lights up the room! She is a friend to all!
9 months ago, Chase Christensen
Eleanore Prusak
Grady Betz is in the Panther Spotlight! Grady is a hard working student that keeps us all on our toes. He is very smart and insightful for such a young age. Grady is always willing to lend a helping hand to those that need the help. He is a joy to have in class. Keep up the good work, Grady!!! Grady enjoys learning with his classmates by sharing what he knows and can do and by listening and watching others to learn from them. Without reservation, Grady shares a most genuine and uncontrollable laugh with those around him. Grady is a passionate little guy with a heart of gold! He is full of amazing facts about all of the creatures he cares about so much about! Grady has such a passion for learning and so much try! Both of those traits will take him a long way. Way to go Grady!
9 months ago, Chase Christensen
Grady Betz
Students showcased their learning for family today during our holiday family engagement event! #180DaysOfJoy
9 months ago, Chase Christensen
🎶On the first day of Christmas my teacher gave to me... 🎶 GAINS. Panther Strength and Conditioning completed our semester one final today, a varied version of "The Twelve Days of Christmas". Getting better every day! #PantherFit
9 months ago, Cameron Spade