Congrats to our 2 Health n' Fitness challenge winners from the month of January! Miss Nimick and Mrs. Andreen not only worked hard on their health and fitness, but also at shaping their minds down in New Orleans last week! Way to work, ladies!
7 months ago, Cameron Spade
Students already deep in learning after lunch today - working on telling time and differentiating between am and pm. #180DaysOfJoy
7 months ago, Chase Christensen
2nd Grade
Plain Talk in New Orleans is one of the leading conferences in education. With more than 1,800 educators on the waitlist, seven staff members of Sheridan County School District #3 were of the 2,700 who were able to attend over 50 sessions on literacy and best teaching practices. They spent three full days collaborating with other passionate educators as well as listening to some of the leading educational authors, researchers, and practitioners in education. Our school is dedicated to growing our teachers to ensure our students are getting the best education possible!
7 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
Plain Talk
Week number 2 of our #SourcesOfStrength Healthy Activities Dodgeball Tournament will feature a Tuesday matchup of The Ammarizzles against The Crabs.
7 months ago, Cameron Spade
Here are the standings after day one of our #SourcesOfStrength Healthy Activities Dodgeball Tournament. Rodzilla was down to two players against five at one point, but with strong performances from Caden Manor and Tessa Christianson, they were able to pull out the win!
7 months ago, Cameron Spade
Braelin Burton is in the Panther Spotlight! Braelin is fun and willing to work hard. I enjoy her personality and look forward to seeing her in the halls and in class. Good job Braelin! I have had the opportunity to see Braelin grow in the last 5 years. She is a caring individual who has come out of her shell in and out of the classroom. I am excited to see all that she will accomplish in her next chapter! Braelin has tackled her last semester as a senior head-on - she is intent on making her time left as a Panther positive and impactful for the remainder of her life! Braelin has grown so much since she started coming to school here at ACHS. Her positive demeanor and attitude are always appreciated! Braelin brings a smile to the faces of those she knows with her humor. She is a strong artist and is driven to become a teacher herself!
7 months ago, Chase Christensen
Braelin Burton
Delton Odegard is in the Panther Spotlight! Delton is fun, friendly and full of energy! He participates in class and has great ideas to share. Good job Delton! Delton is very caring about his classmates and quick to make them laugh. He has a good sense of humor and is very academically strong. Delton is a very helpful Panther student. Keep up the good work, Delton!!! Delton keeps me on my toes constantly. He is always eager to share stories about moving cows and Chevy dually pickups. He is always willing to give me a helping hand when I need it. Thank you, Delton for the energy you bring to our class! Delton is talented and smart and is keenly aware of his surroundings by observing and listening to everything in his environment. Delton is so social and loves to make new friends. I know that no matter what I am teaching that day, Delton will contribute with a story or input about how we can get it done.
7 months ago, Chase Christensen
Delton Odegard
Izzy Mauck is in the Panther Spotlight! Izzy is such an amazing young lady. We love having her in our classroom. She has really stepped up and has become a part of our classroom family. From helping run centers to teaching math strategies, she brings a little sparkle to our room. We love you Izzy! Although Izzy is talented and full of energy, she consistently and genuinely shows concern for others and their well-being. Izzy has a sense of humor that can light up a room. She's always honest and willing to tell it as it is, but in a way to make others better. Izzy is a kind-hearted student who cares for her friends and peers. She is willing to ask the big questions and start valuable discussions. Her witty sense of humor in any situation makes her a great addition to the classroom. Izzy is probably (quietly) one of the funniest kids we have out here. I always enjoy walking past her in the hallways as I know there is a good chance she’ll crack a joke with me!
7 months ago, Chase Christensen
Izzy Mauck
Mrs. Cole is in the Panther Spotlight! Mrs. Cole has been dedicated to the success that our students achieve in mathematics in her tenure at A-C! She works with students every minute that she is at work, often hosting our after school and extending her workday til 6:00. She has a spot in her heart for everyone and demonstrates care for each student and their well-being in addition to their learning. Mrs. Cole has given our school more than expected this year, and our students are better for it. She remains committed to the Panther Way, and in helping our students be prepared for their next step!
7 months ago, Chase Christensen
Our Panther team is learning in New Orleans this week - gaining insight to guide the continued growth at A-C. #180DaysOfJoy #PlainTalkNOLA
7 months ago, Chase Christensen
Plain Talk
If you or a family member are looking for help with mental health or substance use, Care Solace can help you quickly find treatment options matched to your needs. They will connect you with providers accepting all medical insurances, including Medicaid, Medicare, and sliding scale options for those without insurance. Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential service provided to students, staff, and their families by the Wyoming Department of Education. Care Solace’s team is available 24/7/365 at 888-515-0595 or visit
7 months ago, Chase Christensen
Care Solace
Great way to end a great day - Panther basketball, and future Panthers! #180DaysOfJoy
7 months ago, Chase Christensen
Livvy Grubb is in the Panther Spotlight! Miss Livvy is a fireball. She is passionate about her learning and is constantly asking questions to expand her knowledge. Her humor and jokes make the class laugh endlessly. She is so bright and I look forward to seeing her continue to grow. Livvy is always willing to give you a hello and smile to make your day better!! She is very spunky and quick to be helpful when needed. She is a great addition to our Panther family!! Livvy is an intelligent and talented young student who in another year will probably be capable of running the school and then the world. Livvy is fun and so friendly. Her bubbly personality adds so much to our school. She is willing to participate and help others. Good job Livvy!
7 months ago, Chase Christensen
Livvy Grubb
Skye Malli is in the Panther Spotlight! Skye does a great job engaging in our class discussions and asking questions that often lead us into a deeper understanding of what we are learning. Skye is always willing to help a hand whenever needed. She is very considerate of others and is a great example of what a true Panther is!! Keep up the good work, Skye!! Skye is a strong supporter of our school! She steps up when things need done and is willing to do the extra work. As an officer in the Student Council she adds to our council with her leadership skills. She has great ideas and she is willing to be an active part of what we are doing. These characteristics make sure our activities are successful. Good job Skye! Skye always brings good energy to the class and asks good questions to make sure that she understands the lesson. Skye Rose has such a kind heart. I love when she comes and visits me in the elementary. I have so loved watching her grow and mature over all these years. Skye kind of carries the weight of the entire sophomore class on her shoulders. She is also a leader amongst her peers and a good one at that. Not only is Skye a leader in the class of 2026, but she has also stepped up as a leader in sources of strength, making sure to spread positivity around ACHS and always being there when others need her. Thanks for being there for all of us and being such a great Panther leader, Skye! Skye has a way of positively and non-intrusively helping her classmates stay on track and walk the Panther way. Her leadership makes our classroom retain high expectations.
7 months ago, Chase Christensen
Skye Malli
Jorgen Michelena is in the Panther Spotlight! Jorgen always livens up our discussions with his creative ideas! Jorgen is calm, cool, and collected never letting anything rattle him and at the same time, he uses those same characteristics to challenge others and their thinking. Jorgen is friendly and always says hi. He is learning to be a leader and helps out when asked. He has great ideas and I enjoy having him in class. Good job Jorgen! Jorgen always brings interesting perspectives in class that help promote good discussions. Jorgen has such a great sense of humor. He always makes me laugh! I definitely miss seeing him every day. Jorgen's witty comments make our classroom that much livelier. When reading any material, he has a knack for relating the central claims and themes back to our real world. Also, he showcases his opinions strongly!
7 months ago, Chase Christensen
Jorgen Michelena
3rd and 4th graders team up during Fundations to show off their skills in the ultimate showdown. Great work is happening! #180DaysofJoy Guest post from Mrs. Andreen
7 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
Through the power of Artificial Intelligence, the 5th graders had a conversation with Amelia Earhart. They discussed topics about adventure, courage, and perseverance. A few students even asked about her mysterious disappearance. #180DaysofJoy
7 months ago, Jonathan Broersma
Mrs. Auzqui is in the Panther Spotlight! Mrs. Auzqui is a hard working, dedicated Panther. She has embraced change this year, moving out of a role as a leader of the curriculum work in the district and into one teaching third grade ELA and second grade math! She provides a smile at every turn and has been a leader at A-C! A past member of DSC, Mrs. Auzqui was instrumental in our achieving the high marks we did in our accreditation visit. While still leading behind the scenes, she is choosing now to focus on her students and put all of her effort into the classroom, and our students are the better for it. Mrs. Auzqui is truly committed to advancing the Panther Way!
7 months ago, Chase Christensen
Alicia Auzqui
Our K-6 student of the month of December, voted on by ACHS #SourcesOfStrength is 6th grader Raimee Jordan! Here is why Raimee was nominated for the award: "Raimee has been a wonderful addition to the AC community! Every day she comes to school, works hard, loves learning, and encourages her classmates to be their best. She is kind and an expert 4-square player :) Her enthusiasm, integrity, and dedication make her a deserving student for this recognition." Congratulations, Raimee!
7 months ago, Cameron Spade